Biografi Warren Buffett
Gambar 1 Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett Biography - Warren Buffett's name cannot be separated from the world of investment in the world. His achievements in the world of large investments made him gain considerable profits. He is also trusted by many people to deal with companies that almost go bankrupt or their performance goes down so they can get up and get multiple profits.

Warren Buffett is also a philanthropist. He donated quite a lot of benefits to charity. For him, a lot of money will not be useful if just let go. He wants to benefit others because he feels always lucky in his life. Here's Warren Buffett's biography that will make us learn many things.


Warren Edward Buffett was born on August 30, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. He is the son of a man named Howard Buffett who is a stock market broker and mother named Leila Buffett. Living in a family that is struggling with the world of stock makes Warren become interested in the world since childhood.

He often observed his father working in the office. He also often writes numbers on the board which are noisy predictions of which stocks will go up and also go down. At the age of 11 he was taught by his father to buy shares on the New York Stock Exchange for the first time.

In 1929 when there was a big depression on the stock market, Warren began to be able to appreciate money. When his peers only go to school to gain knowledge, Warren starts working during his free time. He became a paper boy to get first money.

Furthermore, to add coffers of money, he also began working to sell stamps, magazines, Coca-Cola, and much more. After graduation he did all the work to get capital to survive and continue his studies.


Biografi Warren Buffett
Gambar 2 Warren Buffett
When he reached 15 years old he was able to raise as much as $ 2,000. This money is used to buy a property in the form of a farm with an area of ​​40 acres. This farm located in Nebraska is done by someone else and the benefits obtained are used for college.

He graduated as a science graduate from the University of Nebraska. Next he continued his studies at Columbia Business Scholl and got a master's glass. After getting a lot of knowledge, he finally began to run an investment instead of going to the stock market which was plummeting.

For five years since 1951 he worked as an investment salesman and security analyst. After earning $ 174,000 he retired and chose to invest. One of the best investments he ever made was to push up Berkshire Hathaway.


Before deciding to make the acquisition of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett actually had his own company. He founded a company called Buffett Partnership which is engaged in investment. Even though the company was doing well, he decided not to continue and focused on Berkshier Hathaway.

Actually what the acquisition of Berkshiere Hathaway was was a mistake made by Warren. This company is engaged in the textile sector, even though he is not an expert in that field. However, the value investment that holds his life makes Warren develop his mistakes into something big.

The textile business originally run by Berkshire Hathaway was finally abolished. Warren began buying assets at media companies such as The Washington Post, Exxon oil company, and GEICO insurance, and other companies he considered valuable.

Warren also invested in the world's largest beverage company Coca-Cola. As a child he might only be a hawker, but after an adult has a significant stake in this company.

Warren's business sense didn't stop there. During a period of high recession many companies eventually fell and almost went bankrupt. With all the money he has, Warren wants to invest what he has and gain far greater profits.

And sure enough, most of the companies that are used as investment locations want to rise up and provide not small profits. He gave a loan to Mars Inc. which gives a profit of $ 690 million.

Bank of America Corp pays $ 300 million every year for having shares there. Furthermore, he also bought several shares which dropped and experienced a significant increase.


One of the biggest achievements of Warren Buffett is the net profit of $ 84 billion. Most of this profit was obtained from Berkshire Hathaway which he acquired and developed into a company that has quite a number of subsidiaries.

After working hard in the investment world for 55 years, Berkshire Hataway which is a textile company turned into a conglomerate company. The company is in charge of several insurance, food, beverage, banking and private aviation companies.

The key to success that we can take from Warren Buffett's biography is learning from people he thinks are great. During his career in the investment world there were two people who made him able to soar and become one of the richest people in the world today. He is Benjamin Graham. Next is Charlie Munger who is a business partner throughout his time.

Apart from the closest people, the key to success from a Warren Buffett is value investing. He looked more at the value of the company than seeing its shares on the stock exchange. He also convinced investors to buy shares that he would hold for life instead of pursuing margins from market trends.

Thus a brief review of Warren Buffett's biography is quite interesting. Hopefully we can take the best lessons from his life story.

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